Sunday, September 30, 2007
When older generations were attending schools filmstrips and books were the focus in class. In order to learn information, students would learn from textbooks. Writing a research paper would mean for a student to look through encyclopedias and other historian books for days. Then they would have to write it out with pen and paper, which can take much of an individual’s time. Then computers were introduced. This eliminated typewriters and paper. It began saving time for students. Then the internet allowed students to have all the information they need a click away. Also, teachers were able to place PowerPoint's and notes online for the students to see and learn from.
Video games are a large industry for children and teenagers. Each year a newer and more extravagant Nintendo system will come about. Children and teenagers will rush out to get the system and to play the new games available. Yet, many question if these games can be used for learning purposes. According to the author of, "Video Games and the Future of Learning," he states, "They let players think, talk, and act—they let players inhabit—roles otherwise inaccessible to them." Video games allow the player to make their own choices, create their own worlds, and problem solving. Having to figure out to complete a level or how to accomplish the goal of the game helps teach strategy. Video games are not only helping learning in the school system but also in the working field. The military has introduced video games to introduce the civilians to military ideology. Also, doctors are using video games to help perfect their surgical techniques.
With every new idea come the negatives. When an individual has access to an unlimited amount of knowledge and information at their fingertips, question arises. Not all information on the internet is accurate unlike books. Not knowing what is fact or fiction can cause problems when writing a research paper for example. Also, with all this information on the internet makes the student have the ability to simply copy and past information from the web onto a Microsoft Word document. Having the internet allows teachers to communicate with students via email. This is losing the interaction between student and teacher. They no longer have the one on one relationship that should be there. Video games also isolate teenagers. When walking down a dorm hallways, you will see several rooms with a kid sitting on a chair playing a video game instead of interacting with other students.
In conclusion, the introducing of computers and video games into the learning system can be both beneficial and harmful. Essentially, I am arguing weather technology should be place in the learning environment or students today. They can definitely both be educational with limited amount of use. Having ability to look up information on the internet is a wonderful tool to have, but knowing what information is usable is something that needs to be taught to students and teachers. Also, video games can be a learning device but one has to realize not all video games should be interpreted this way. Some are pure fun while others have lessons within the game itself. Having new technology emerging into our educational systems is going to broaden our way of learning. It will be interesting to see what can be next new way of learning.
** I added metacommentart to the introductin and conclusion. I found it difficult to add it within the body paragraphs. However, after understanding it more I hope to add atleast one or two to the middle section of my essay.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Synthesis Draft
When older generations were attending schools filmstrips and books were the focus in class. In order to learn information, students would learn from textbooks. Writing a research paper would mean for a student to look through encyclopedias and other historian books for days. Then they would have to write it out with pen and paper, which can take much of an individuals time. Then computers were introduced. This eliminated typewriters and paper. It began saving time for students. Then the interent allowed students to have all the information they need a click away. Also, teacher were able to place PowerPoint's and notes online for the students to see and learn from.
Video games is a large industry for children and teenagers. Each year a newer and more extravagant Nintendo system will come about. Children and teenagers will rush out to get the system and to play the new games available. Yet, many question if these games can be used for learning purposes. According to the author of, "Video Games and the Future of Learning," he states, "They let players think, talk, and act—they let players inhabit—roles otherwise inaccessible to them." Video games allow the player to make their own choices, create their own worlds, and problem solving. Having to figure out to complete a level or how to accomplish the goal of the game helps teach strategy. Video games are not only helping learning in the school system but also in the working field. The military has introduced video games to introduce the civilians to military ideology. Also, doctors are using video games to help perfect their surgical techniques.
With every new idea comes the negatives. When an individual has access to an unlimited amount of knowledge and information at their fingertips, question arise. Not all information on the internet is accurate unlike books. Not knowing what is fact or fiction can cause problems when writing a research paper for example. Also, with all this information on the internet makes the student have the ability to simply copy and past information from the web onto a Microsoft Word document. Having the internet allows teachers to communicate with students via email. This is losing the interaction between student and teacher. They no longer have the one on one relationship that should be there. Video games also isolate teenagers. When walking down a dorm hallways, you will see several rooms with a kid sitting on a chair playing a video game instead of interacting with other students.
In conclusion, the introducing of computers and video games into the learning system can be both beneficial and harmful. They can definitely both be educational with limited amount of use. Having ability to look up information on the internet is a wonderful tool to have, but knowing what information is usable is something that needs to be taught to students and teachers. Also, video games can be a learning device but one has to realize not all video games should be interpreted this way. Some are pure fun while others have lessons within the game itself. Having new technology emerging into our educational systems is going to broaden our way of learning. It will be interesting to see what can be next new way of learning.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Synthesis on Computers and Video Games
I. Introduction of computers and technology
A. Compare to books and filmstrips back in the day
B. The upcoming rise of computers in school and learning in new ways
II. How video games can promote learning
A. Teach concepts
B. Problem Solving
C. Workplace
III. The negative of technology (computers)
A. All information at fingertips
B. Copy and Paste
C. Removes interaction between student and teacher
*Give quotes and examples from within text to support claims as well. Have a hard hitting introduction and conclusion that shows positive and negatives. Then place all together to have a essay based upon two articles.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Computers and Technology
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hidden intellectualism
Questions:We used the template on page 14 to help us outline our summary. It seemed to work well, by keeping our thoughts organized. No we did not shift our strategy. Another strategy we could have used would be not to use a template. Two alternate purposes would be to agree or disagree. If we were to agree with Graff we wouldn’t have to revise the summary. To disagree we would have to state the summary and reasons why we disagree, backed up by examples.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Don't Blame the Eater
Today it is assumed that the only place for teenagers and others to get inexpensive food is to eat at a fast food franchise. David Zinczenko made this point in his article titled, "Don't Blame the Eater." He expressed how simple it is to go and obtain cheap food at a local fast food restaurant, while it can be difficult to find healthy food that isn't highly priced. David Zinczenko makes the point that many families eat at McDonald or Burger King because they don't have the time to prepare food or they don't have the money for healthy quality food. However, it is possible to go to fast food industries and order a healthier choice. For example, subway or Jimmy Johns. It may not be the healthiest choice but at least one isn't eating fries, coke, and a big mac. Also, if a family makes a schedule they can most likely take turns cooking and preparing healthy food. It may take time in the beginning but will become a daily routine. Yes, groceries are expensive. However, with coupons and places like Sam's Club it is possible to by quality food that is healthy and not overpriced.
Summary 2
Americans have become hypnotized by the trend of lawsuits. If an individual can find anyway to sue then a lawsuit will occur. David Zinczenko introduced this concept in his article, "Don't Blame the Eater." He states that many frequent eaters of fast food are beginning to sue the franchise because they are now considered obese due to the food served to them at the fast food restaurant. Fast food industries are serving food high in calorie, cholesterol, and trans fat. They do giving the customer an option of eating healthy. David Zinczenko is correct in stating that fast food industries try to cover up the dangers of their food. It is hard to comprehend or even find a calorie chart in the restaurant. In their advertisements they shy away from the dangers of their food. However, placing a lawsuit on the company may be a little bit extreme. It is common knowledge that fast food is not a healthy selection and that you should not eat their regularly. The fast food companies are not forcing us to eat their product that is our choice. Yes, they should have better alternatives but shouldn't the individual go out and find alternatives themself?
Comparison Response
The two summaries above are both from the article "Don't Blame the Eater" by David Zinczenko. I took the information from the article but used it in two completely different areas which creates the differences in the summaries. They both have similar templates within though. I have used templates in order to get the authors view in both summaries and in introducing the article and author. However, that is the only similarity. Both summaries have different points that need to come across and different areas of approval and disagreement.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Women of America...
I found this specific website from
The above article is about women doing their part in society. How they can contribute to the gasoline issue by doing their part. However, their part is nothing but mocking the thoughts of the past that contradict to the thoughts of today.
The they say is telling women to their part in today's society. Making one think women should go and get a job to help their family and be successful.
The I say is telling women to stay at home to reduce gasoline usage from going there and back from a job. Which is something you would have not expected to be said from the they say.