Friday, September 21, 2007

Synthesis on Computers and Video Games

Thesis sentence: Computers are becoming widely more popular in today's school setting allowing new ways of learning to be integrated into education, like video games, but losing the sense of teacher student relationship.

I. Introduction of computers and technology
A. Compare to books and filmstrips back in the day
B. The upcoming rise of computers in school and learning in new ways
II. How video games can promote learning
A. Teach concepts
B. Problem Solving
C. Workplace
III. The negative of technology (computers)
A. All information at fingertips
B. Copy and Paste
C. Removes interaction between student and teacher
*Give quotes and examples from within text to support claims as well. Have a hard hitting introduction and conclusion that shows positive and negatives. Then place all together to have a essay based upon two articles.


Sara E said...

I like your thesis statment. It is very clear where your essay will go from here. Your outline seems to support it too.

KiD KarDiac said...

Your thesis statement is really strong. You also do a great job of outlining exactly where you want this essay to go.

Juliet F said...

i love your thesis. its gives the reader information on exactly what you are going to say in your paper.