Monday, October 15, 2007

Research Topic and Questions

Research Topic:
Overprescribing of psychotropic prescription drugs

1. How does a psychiatrist determine an individual's disorder and which drugs to then prescribed?
2. Does media have an influence on the increasing number of psychotropic drugs being prescribed?
3. How many times is a symptom misread and then therefore misdiagnosed?

Who's interested:
With this topic people who are interested in the field of psychology, nursing, and medicine would be concerned with this topic.


KaldariaQ said...

curious. Good topic, but who is the audience?

What is the medias effect on the amout of anti phycotic drugs taken?

T_Qahhaar88 said...

I like your 3rd topic, i feel like you could probably find a lot of information regarding cases where there may have been a misdiagnosing. You could probably also tie in malpractice lawsuits about these diagnosis that have been misread and therefore mistreated.